PurpleFruit Marketing

Mobile Phone Apps That Make You An Online Marketing SmartyPants

Mobile Phone Apps That Make You An Online Marketing SmartyPants

 Saving you Time and Money

Mobile apps save small businesses both time and money. They both help the business be easily accessible to customers as well as allow business owners access to their business at all time. In this technological age mobile apps are almost needed to make it with your small business. There are lots of apps out there that small business owners can benefit from. Here are just a few of them.

The PurpleFruit Pick

LogMeIn is an application that allows you to access your office phone from your Mobile Phone. If you happen to forget a file at the office you can view it remotely.

Evernote is a good one for taking notes at a meeting or away from your desk. You can immediately send them to your email to review later.

Wunderlist is another helpful app that allows you to create to-do lists that you can always keep with you. A working to-do list will keep you organized in amidst all the crazy tasks you must get done as the owner of your company.

Getting Local

In addition to these administrative apps you can also use local apps such as a local search app to help you find places when you are on business trips. Some other apps you might find helpful for your small business are Payment Acceptance, and Hours Tracking. You might need to accept payments on the road or track a contractor’s hours to know how much to pay them. Both of these apps are helpful when you are operating a small business with outside contractors.

Keeping the conversation going

Communication applications are another important type of application for small business owners to try.

Skype is a good app to have on your phone so you can converse face to face when need be. You can be Skyped into a meeting.

HeyTell allows you to quickly text by voice, so to speak, and leave quick voicemails for your coworkers with the push of a button. Both of these convenient apps are free to download.

PGI Mobile will allow you to host and record audio conferences on your mobile phone. Networking is also important when looking at apps.

Bump allows you to exchange contact information much like you would a business card.

Theses are Just some of many apps available on both Apple and Android devices all convenient for your business and should help save you some valuable time. If have any questions or need any help please let us know, we would be happy to help out.

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