PurpleFruit Marketing

5 Tips to Pimp your Google Adwords Pay Per Click Account

5 Tips to Pimp your Google Adwords Pay Per Click Account

As an online business owner, engaging on Google Adwords pay-per-click campaigns is one of the most important things that you need to do if you want to get more sales. However, is it really that easy? This is not about simply advertising your website and let it flow on the Internet and wait for someone to click it and actually buy. It is easy to waste money on PPC campaigns, so if you want to use this type of marketing strategy these are some of the tips from the PurpleFruit Geeks that you can consider.

Choose your Keywords Carefully

Basically, if you applied for PPC campaigns, you might as well know about the use of Keywords. If you don’t know this and you are already doing Pay per Click campaigns, withdraw it and go back to basics because you are definitely wasting your money. This is a vital part of the process because you can only get conversations if you can find the right people to click your Ad. Focusing on general keywords will not be beneficial to you. It is best if you target more specific keywords.

Learn about Match Types before Spending

Before deciding to pay for PPC Campaigns, you need to know about these match types. Broad match is all about your keywords appearing on any search query as long as a part of the keyword is searched by the user. If you want your website to be included on the search as long as the user inputs the exact phrase, phrase match is a good choice. If you prefer a more specific search query where your website will only appear when the exact keyword is searched, exact match is the best choice.

Using Negative Keywords

Target and Segment your AudienceNegative keywords are used to remove any unqualified searches. By removing some words like jobs, contacts and other, you can easily filter the people who are searching to make a purchase. This is crucial especially if you are using Google Adwords.

If you want to target and segment your audience, there are a couple of services that Google Adwords is offering. Geographical targeting is used to help you select a specific location. It means that your website will only appear on that area. Device targeting is all about choosing the device where your ads may appear. Day parting, on the other hand, allows you to switch your keywords anytime of the day to target hours or days when you are getting more profits.

Use Google Reporting Wisely

Google is great when it comes to their Pay per click campaign because they always provide some good reports for their clients. If you are paying for advertisement, you might want to know some reports with regard to your ads. These reports will provide information on the keywords that are not converting well, the results of your ads and other important stuffs on PPC campaigns.

Free PPC Improvement Review & Report

If you already have an AdWords account, why not let our geeks take a look at it for you. We’ll go over it in fine detail and we’ll produce a detailed report complete with improvements that you can make – all completely free.

Book your free report today by signing up here!

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